Apr 12, 2002
Something has happened this week that I can't explain. It's like a sea change, that indistinguishable moment where the weather turns, unidentifiable but noticable, the point where all the deck hands look together at the sky and begin to work with a little more seriousness, a little more urgency. There was probably such a day some time in the late 1800s when people looked around and realized, for the first time, that they were living in an industrial society. It's like that, where we have passed from the moment that defines what was, and into the moment that defines what will be. I think it happened Wednesday.
CRLFCRLFNot a passing into the information age or the space age, not any of the labels journalists and critics have tried to attach to our new society. If I had to put a label on it, perhaps I'd call it the network age, or even the age of emergence, but that doesn't quite label it either. Anyway, names don't matter. What matters is, something changed, and I can feel the change. Try to put a finger on it. Read the articles in OLWeekly (http://www.downes.ca/news/OLWeekly) from the bottom to the top, from Monday to Friday, and see if you don't feel with me the shifting of the wind.CRLFCRLF
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