Travelling Elk Project
Magnus Johansson,
European Schoolnet,
Apr 29, 2002
From the European Schoolnet Newsletter: "A Swedish school is looking for schools from all around the world to host CRLFtheir "elk" for a couple of weeks. We have this teddy bear (teddy elk to be correct) and we have given him the CRLFmission to travel all around the world to find answers to different questions and learn more about different cultures. If you chose to take part in the project we will send the elk in a package to your school. When he arrives he has some assignments with him and he needs your students’ help. Your students should take digital pictures of him in different settings and situations and also write his diary, in English, for the days he spends at your school. After one week we would like you to send the material (images and text) to us by e-mail and we will put it on our project website for all the world to see and read." The website is in Swedish; contact Magnus Johansson by email at CRLF
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