Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ ccLearn

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community
Creative Commons has created 'CC Learn' and staffed it with Board members (all Americans, of course), including Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales. I am supportive of open educational resources, as most people know, and I am supportive of Creative Commons - but I am apprehensive about this new organization, which has been formed without any (apparent) consultation or process. Long-time readers will recall some of Creative Commons's previous forays into education, including the proposal for special 'education' licenses. This to me looks more like the commercial publishers trying to redefine 'free' in such a way as to allow them to take free resources and sell them commercially. That's usually what language like this means: "Worse, much of the OER currently being created is incompatible - legally, technically, and socially - with other OER." I'd like to see some sort of open decision-making process, to keep the (paid) lobbyists at bay - but while I've always been supportive of Creative Commons, I've never really seen that democracy was one of its strong suits.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

Copyright 2025
Last Updated: Mar 17, 2025 01:20 a.m.

Canadian Flag Creative Commons License.
