E-Learning Market Update (August 2007)
Aug 24, 2007
Good post that summarizes Adobe's decision to end production of Athorware and to support higher definition video in the next version of Flash (the company knows a strength when it sees it, I guess - more on this). It also looks briefly at social networking and what users want in an authoring tool. And this provides me with a nice generic post to mention a few things I've been saving.
Via Zeldman, Eric Meyer's CSS Sculptor allows users to quickly design CSS from one of 30 templates. Good, but would be better if it were free. Also, Google has launched a feature that allows you to embed maps in web pages. Nifty. Jane Hart, meanwhile, links to Tokbox , for providing video conferencing on a web page. Dan Colman writes about a surprising success, grammar podcasts. Also, researchers are studying how the plague would spread in World of Warcraft. One assumes it would spread the same way in Second Life, but you could buy a lab coat for $4.95 and study it on a private island. More on this. Richard Nantel writes about Pecha-Kucha, a tool that forces presentations to be no more than 20 slides long, and each slide of 20 seconds duration, for a total of 6 minutes and 40 seconds. Doug Belshaw has launched edte.ch, his new consulting company. Norm Friesen offers a Canadian perspective on internet research methods.
Hey, this was fun. Maybe I'll make a post like this a regular Friday feature.
Via Zeldman, Eric Meyer's CSS Sculptor allows users to quickly design CSS from one of 30 templates. Good, but would be better if it were free. Also, Google has launched a feature that allows you to embed maps in web pages. Nifty. Jane Hart, meanwhile, links to Tokbox , for providing video conferencing on a web page. Dan Colman writes about a surprising success, grammar podcasts. Also, researchers are studying how the plague would spread in World of Warcraft. One assumes it would spread the same way in Second Life, but you could buy a lab coat for $4.95 and study it on a private island. More on this. Richard Nantel writes about Pecha-Kucha, a tool that forces presentations to be no more than 20 slides long, and each slide of 20 seconds duration, for a total of 6 minutes and 40 seconds. Doug Belshaw has launched edte.ch, his new consulting company. Norm Friesen offers a Canadian perspective on internet research methods.
Hey, this was fun. Maybe I'll make a post like this a regular Friday feature.
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