Making Up Our Minds
Tom Haskins,
growing changing learning creating,
Jul 29, 2008
I'm afraid that Tom Haskins has gone into Crockus territory, though I don't have the time and resources at the moment to prove it. He proposes that "The [right] half of our neocortex is great for deciding what action to take, what timing will work best, what changes to make in the sequence and how to have an intended effect on the situation... [It] takes in a panorama of possibilities and naturally considers long term consequences. It processes information in a non-linear fashion which works superbly for combining approaches, balancing opposing concerns, making tradeoffs and formulating creative alternatives. The way this half thinks is intuitive, inspired and imaginative. The left half of the neocortex sucks at making decisions. It cannot get enough data while ignoring all signs of information overload." I find this analysis dubious at best, but as I say, I will have to await proof.
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