Open Learning Is Here - Where Next?
Graham Attwell,
Oct 01, 2008
"And now we are witnessing an explosion in open learning. Of course there are the big publicity happenings like the CCK08 Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) organised by Stephen Downes and George Siemans on connectivism. But more important is the flowering of opportunties for learning from many, many diverse sources." I hardly see our course as 'big publicity'. But that aside, I agree with the main point. And, as Graham Attwell says, "The last barrier to open learning - and a very complex one - is that of accreditation." (p.s. - Attwell says "I am sceptical about the Connectivism MOOC..." - what does that mean? That he doubts that it exists? That he doubts it is accredited? That he doubts there are students? The Connectivism course isn't some proposition, which you can look at and 'doubt'. It is what it is, that's all.)
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