Name the Next SCORM!
Aaron Silvers,
Feb 25, 2009
OK, well I confess I don't follow this at all. A few years ago, with great fanfare, Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) passed the mantle of stewardship over the widely used SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) to a new, international, membership-based group. Today I read that "the community decided that it was time to abandon many of the outdated assumptions of SCORM and to rethink the interoperability of learning systems based on today's elearning imperatives and modern software practices." Good. But step one: the new name. Now I commented (in the LinkedIn discussion - I wasn't paying attention) that the name 'SCORM' was LETSI's major asset. But I read in one of the comments on the LinkedIn list, "It seems that the ADL may choose to hold on to SCORM and hopefully, there are signs of the IMS and ADL finally resuming a good working relationship." Does ADL get to do that? To give away the name and then, um, take it back? Anyhow, here's my suggestion: Distributed Objects With Net Enabled Support.
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