CNIE - the successor group in Canada to CADE and AMTEC, two major educational technology and distance education organizations - will be submitting a brief on copyright reform. "Maureen Baron, CNIE President, will represent CNIE at the government sponsored copyright consultation Town Hall scheduled for Montreal on July 30, 2009. She and several CNIE Board members will then write an electronic submission for the federal consultation website... CNIE's position will reflect their members' interests, concerns and realities in the education sector. It will be important for both K-12 and post-secondary communities to present a united front to counterbalance corporate interests and priorities regarding the economics of copyright law and its enforcement." Sop, members, be sure to express your views to at or to CNIE Past President Ray Whitley at And in the meantime, transcripts from the Vancouver and Calgary consultations are available online.
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