One Laptop Per Child - The Dream is Over
Alanna Shaikh,
UN Dispatch,
Sept 11, 2009
The OLPC project has been labelled a failure buy UN Dispatch (not to be co0nfused with the U.N. or anything actually associated with the U.N.). "OLPC was a failure. Businessweek called it two years ago. Now, Timothy Ogden, editor-in-chief of Philanthropy Action has made a compelling argument to give up on OLPC. He points out that supporting de-worming programs has more impact on child learning than the OLPC laptops. The laptops were designed without end-user input, they cost too much both to produce and to run, and they're now being outcompeted by commercial laptops. Only about a million OLPCs have shipped so far." Negroponte has responded. John Camfield mounts a defense of OLPC.
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