Note to Attwell: it's not "crowdsourcing" if you explicitly make an appeal to "experts." Nor is it "crowdsourcing" if you as a narrowly-based and self-selected group of people (ie., your readers) to make submissions to a response that will ultimately be filtered and presented by one person. It may or may not be a valid way of generating ideas or input (it has its strengths, it has its weaknesses) but it is not "crowdsourcing." (People seem to thing anything that involves a crowd is 'crowdsourcing' - which would render a rioting mob as an instance of 'crowdsourcing' - but the word actually has a fairly precise meaning - "the act of a company or institution taking a function once performed by employees and outsourcing it to an undefined (and generally large) network of people in the form of an open call" - the call has the effect of breaking the work into many small parts, each of which is individually and autonomously completed by different person; it is not a sampling or a polling or a collaboration).
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