Access Copyright is proposing to charge Canadian universities $45 per student, and colleges $35 per student, a rate increase of about 1300 percent (that's not a typo) over current rates. Access Copyright was originally founded to collect levies for photocopying, but this newest fee represents a tariff for digital copying. And then some. "Incredibly, the tariff defines a 'copy' to include "posting a link or hyperlink to Digital Copy". So, that would presumably include any website with copyrighted material...! AC apparently expects to be paid whenever a professor posts a link on his or her website to my blog, or Michael Geist's blog or the Globe and Mail or eBay. That is simply absurd." Responses need to be filed by August 11 to the Copyright Board, which "seems to have an unstated 'rocket docket' policy when it comes to AC." Via Michael Geist. More from Techdirt.
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