Dave Cormier's "more manifesto" captures accurately what I think the 'personal' in 'personal learning environment' means. "We need to remember that the ‘personal' is about emancipation, not about being alone. Learners need to remember that the connections are still needed, they just need to go out and make them, they will not be provided. The side effect to the power granted, is that simply 'doing the work' (read: posting my response to my blog) is not the end of the work. The work needs to be connected to others, learning is still about people." (NB: it's not that 'learning is about people' - you can still learn without people, but not without putting your learning out there into some sort of reactive environment, to get feedback and correction, and to experience the power of influencing that environment, and for most cases, this reactive environment consists in large part of people.)
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