OK, here's how not to comply with the new EU regulations requiring permission be given before cookies are set. If you look at the screen shot (click on the image for large view) you can see the permission dialogue at the top. I did not give permission. Clicking 'continue' does nothing; it just keeps asking and asking until (I presume) you give in. But there's more. Also on the screenshot is the dialogue from my web browser, showing clearly a cookie from the website already set. The website, you ask? The UK's Information Commissioner's Office. The page describes measures they've taken to comply with the law. Heh. MIT's Technology Review suggests that the law has made the whole web illegal in Europe, which is ridiculous. As I described yesterday, you don't have to use cookies, you can provide a decent experience, even an interactive one, without cookies, and you can enable opt-in without being a pain about it. Via Metafilter.
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