Thoughtful and comprehensive review of Education and Poverty in Affluent Countries, a collection edited by Carlo Raffo and five authors. Reviewer Michael W. Apple pulls no punches in his analysis of either the economic situation nor the linkages between poverty and educational attainment. His starting point is "the damage that is being done to the lives and hopes of millions of real people, the effects of the neoliberal policies that are being imposed by the IMF and other international and national financial agencies, and the destruction of hard-won gains in social welfare, health, and education." Through the review he nicely traces the impact of the economic situation on education, and sometimes the other way around. If there are any criticisms of the book, it is that it does not go far enough. "Some of it has little recognition of the ways this economy depends on the creation of poverty both within and outside of national borders so that the affluent can live lives that are based on the invisibility of the debt they owe to those who labor."
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