Blogging: A multimodal perspective
Suriati Abas,
ascilite 2011,
Dec 13, 2011
This paper "documents how children embed multimodality in their journal entries using blogs." The authors write that "multimodality is the combination of semiotic modes that may include spoken language(s), written language(s), static or moving images and music," a concept that ties in directly to what I've been saying in Speaking in LOLcats. So what do these words and images mean to students? According to Kress, we should see an overall meaning created through an "orchestration of semiotic modes." As noted by the authors, the ceration of meaning goes beyond Peircean representation, and hence "teaching children to solely recognise representational demands are insufficient, to help them use 'language' meaningfully." In particular, "it is crucial in order to shift towards new literacies. In the light of this, teachers need to develop their professional capital on multimodality... they need to work with one another closely to define a set of indicators for several dimensions of texts, which comprise visual, sound, voice, intonation, stance, gesture and movement." (Text, Slides)
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