The VLE vs. PLE debate
Gráinne Conole,,
Jul 17, 2012
recent video was a part. There are additional videos including contributions from Helen Keegan, Jane Challinor, Steve Wheeler, Christina Costa, Joyce Seitzinger, Ilene Dawn Alexander, Chahira Nouhira and Dave Cormier. Conole writes, "the diagram shows how different learning scenarios can be mapped against two dimensions (formal vs. informal learning and VLEs vs. PLEs). So a traditional accredited course delivered through a VLE sits on the botton right, learners can augment that with study guides and materials provided by the institution in the VLE (bottom left). Many teachers also incorporate other tools, outwith the VLE (top right). Finally, something like a MOOC is located on the top left of the diagram."
Conole discusses the PLE vs VLE (or LMS) debate of which myToday: 2 Total: 9 [Share]
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