Learning and Technology Policy Framework
Nov 06, 2013
From Karen Andrews, via email: "Today, Alberta released a new Learning and Technology Policy Framework that sets the direction for the meaningful use of technology for learning. The framework was co-created with all of our education partners (school authorities, teachers' associations, post-secondary/Universities, industry and government, etc.)." The framwork is quite an interesting document. Here are the major principles and policy directions:
- Student-Centred Learning: Technology is used to support student-centred, personalized, authentic learning with all students.
- Teachers... read, review, participate in, share and apply research and evidence-based practices to sustain and advance innovation in education.
- Teachers... develop, maintain and apply the knowledge, skills and attributes that enable them to use technology effectively, efficiently and innovatively in support of learning and teaching.
- Education leaders establish policy and governance structures, cultivate innovation and build capacity within the system to leverage technology in support of student-centred learning and system efficiencies.
- All students, teachers, administrators and other education professionals have access to appropriate devices, reliable infrastructure, high-speed networks and digital learning environments.
Obviously there are other policies that impact educational outcomes. But this seems to me to be a good policy with what at first reading appears to be a progressive and sensible approach toward learning technolgy.
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