Inge de Waard summarizes "the Beyond Prototypes report provides a UK-based in-depth examination of the processes of innovation in technology-enhanced learning (TEL) with a special emphasis on building online learning solutions that are durable. The focus is also on design-based research." Here's the full PDF. The report's key insights are worth reviewing:
- "TEL involves a complex system of technologies and is necessary to look beyond product development and pay close attention to the entire process of implementation.
- Significant innovations are developed and embedded over periods of years rather than months. Sustainable change is not a simple matter of product development, testing and roll-out.
- TEL innovation is a process of bricolage... It also requires engagement with a range of communities and practices.
- Successful implementation of TEL innovation requires evidence that the projected educational goal has been achieved."
This is advice well worth heeding on the part of those funding and sustaining learning technology initiatives.
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