Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ Building a Knowmad Society in Ecuador

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community

I think this is an ambitious plan and wonder how it will impact the work that follows: "The project seeks to encourage horizontalized, peer-to-peer exchange and the development of activities that will promote extending learning beyond formal education. Nine three-day workshops will cover each regional division of Ecuador. An online platform will facilitate further discussion, and the outputs from the workshops and online activities will be fed into a data analysis process that will inform the creation of a white paper on transforming Ecuadorian education for a 'knowmadic' society."

Do also read the comment that follows the article. A writer named Khuyana offers, "I would like to ensure that these great changes apply to ALL universities in Ecuador, not just the 'new and improved' universities like Yachay University or IKIAM, as it seems to be so far." It points to the difficulties of aiming at 21st century objectives in institutions struggling to meet 20th century standards.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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Last Updated: Jun 17, 2024 02:57 a.m.

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