NMC Online Conference on Learning Objects
Various authors,
Oct 09, 2003
I've signed up for the NMC Online Conference on Learning Objects (even though it costs money) partially because it's interesting to me but mostly because part of it trakes places across the hall from my office. OK, I'm kidding (it's just I hate to admit to paying money for online content, even if the paying of money consisted in a request to Sophie). Anyhow. How do we get some wider value out of this conference, which features speakers online such as Wayne Hodgins, Peter Samis and Ellen Wagner? Edu_RSS topics, of course. A number of bloggers are presenting (and hence, presumably signed up (though probably for free)). Edu_RSS will capture blogs with the string 'NMC' somewhere in the first 600 characters. And readers can follow along the combined megablog through the Edu_RSS NMC feed (HTML, Javascript, RSS, Atom...). Just so you know, coming soon is a mechanism to create your own feeds like this, so I don't have to, as well as a general code release, so you don't need to depend on my feed selections.
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