Ostensibly about the "dreary" predictions about education for 2015, this article is in fact about getting to the core of the problem, at least in the United States: "It's The Inequity, Stupid." I've listed on this site a wealth of evidence showing the best predictor of outcomes is socio-economic status. Poor people do poorly in education. That's a problem when the mantra is that "good education is the only route out of poverty." It's hard to be more self-defeating (unless, of course, your objective is to keep poor people poor). There are signs this may be changing. This week, a New York Times editorial called for "confronting and proposing remedies for the racial and economic segregation that has gripped the state's schools, as well as the inequality in school funding that prevents many poor districts from lifting their children up to state standards." It would be good for everybody were the United States able to reverse course on inequity. Its policies are exported, especially to the developing world, precisely where they currently do the most harm. Photo: me.
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