David Wiley,
Feb 12, 2004
The heated discussion I mentioned a few days ago on the Creative Commons Education list ( has turned into a vote of sorts, with one side trying to get Creative Commons to endorse licenses restricting use to educational institutions, and another side trying to keep edeucational content open for everyone. David Wiley's post states the question, but doesn't link to the discussion where people can cast their votes until noonish tomorrow (Friday). Just to be clear, Creative Commons does not actually have a decision making process, and I have just been told to take my discussion about process elsewhere, so this vote isn't really a vote. For the blog record, my votes for what should constitute an 'education' CC license (not that I'm happy with the idea to begin with) were as follows:
- require attribution - yesCRLF
- disallow commercial uses - yesCRLF
- allow only uses to facilitate learning - no CRLF
- require modified works be distributed under the same license - yesCRLF
- require modified works be distributed with a mechanism for determining what changes have been made - noCRLF
- allow use by anyone whose use meets the above guidelines regardless of affiliation - yesCRLF
- option to restrict use to individuals affiliated with an educational institution only - noCRLF
- expand 7. above to include individuals affiliated with non-profit organizations with primarily educational missions in addition to individuals affiliated with educational institutions - no
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