The Coming Social Economy
Tom Vander Ark,
Getting Smart,
Nov 14, 2018
According to this article, "More than a third of the American workforce participates in the freelance economy." and "The majority of current high school students will spend at least part of their careers freelancing." They are thus becoming increasingly dependent on platforms like Craigslist, Thumbtack, TaskRabbit, and Upwork that "match buyers and sellers". This leads the author to predict "a social economy of people helping people." There are ways this can be done well and ways (as we have seen with Uber) this can be done very poorly. But really interestingly, "Measured efficacy will unlock the new social economy. Data will tell the value creation story of how well one person supports the growth of another." Or as I've said in the past, the credential of the future will be a job offer.
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