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Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community

I Do Not Own Kin Lane

Kin Lane, Aug 01, 2019

The concept of owenship entails the concept of exchange - I cannot be said to "own" something unless I can exchange it (say, for money). In this sense, we cannot be said to own ourselves, because we cannot sell ourselves (at best, we can sell our labour or our possessions). But where does this concept of "ourselves" begin and end. Take this assertion: " A photo taken by me or of me is not owned by me. It is me. There is no ownership of my physical or digital self." The question that arises in my mind is: is there a digital self? Can there be any sense of 'me' that is not my body? I could sell a photograph of myself, if anyone would but it, but I could not sell the property of 'looking like me'. So, maybe...

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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Last Updated: Mar 14, 2025 03:43 a.m.

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