This article profiles a recent Microsoft-sponsored IDC report (47 page PDF) on the role of AI in education. IDC surveyed 509 U.S. institutions; 78% public, 22% private, talking to 215 management and 294 staff. It might be better to take the time to read the actual report, as the summary is full of stuff like "Microsoft believes this..." and "Microsoft is doing that..." which have nothing to do with the research. The report itself is based on an AI-readiness model to match the (reported) "goal of increasing
competitiveness, funding and innovation." Because those are what matters in universities these days.
P.S. New policy announcement - from now on I will assume that reports with no authors, or bogus author names like 'Microsoft Education Team', were written by a robot. Want readers to take you seriously? Have a real person write, and take credit for, your content.
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