Conditions are ripe for a fundamental shift in how higher education is managed in the western world. First, this, from Peter Murray-Rust: "Try looking for information on vaccines in Taylor and Francis: 48K hits. Now do this for openly accessible articles: 12K hits. so 75% of the T+F literature on 'vaccine' is paywalled." That is not how you serve your community. Meanwhile, we have the story about Harvard and Yale, with billions in endowments, accepting millions in Covid relief money. That is not how you serve your community. Meanwhile, some professors are saying they deserve extra combat pay and universities continue to charge full tuition. Others are saying (paraphrased) "people might die, but Purdue has to reopen, because of our educational mission." And here's how the community is responding, fairly or not: public universities in Canada are being told to prepare for 30% cuts.
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