What Happens When You Close the Door on Remote Proctoring? Moving Toward Authentic Assessments with a People-Centered Approach
Sarah Silverman, Autumm Caines, Christopher Casey, Belen Garcia de Hurtado, Jessica Riviere, Alfonso Sintjago, Carla Vecchiola,
To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development,
Apr 23, 2021
It's reasonable for institutions to discontinue the use of online proctoring services, but then what? This article looks at the impact of such a decision at the University of Michigan - Dearborn. Key is the provision of alternatives, for example, authentic assessments, "those that ask students to apply their knowledge on "intellectually worthy tasks and those should have the same competencies, or combinations of knowledge, skills, and attitudes, that [students] need to apply in the criterion situation in professional life." This needs to be supported with programming for instructors, say the authors, and in order to build trust should also be communicated effectively with students. (p.s. that's a lot of authors for a short and relatively introductory paper.)
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