Against All Applications
Adam Mastroianni,
Experimental History, Substack,
May 11, 2022
Yes! I hate the concept of having to apply for things. I actually made this point in my most recent performance review (where for the last decade, give or take, I have stalwartly not 'applied' to become a 'principal researcher', reasoning that if my record didn't speak plainly enough, nothing else I might add would make a difference). "We apply for everything: scholarships, internships, jobs, promotions, apartments, loans, grants, clubs, conferences, prizes, and even dating apps.... All of this applying takes an incalculable toll. How much of our lives do we spend...?" People say "well that's just the way it is" but I have to ask, why is it that way? This article looks deeply at the fallacies of 'applicatia' and argues for a better method.
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