Aramis, or the Love of Technology
Bruno Latour,
Oct 10, 2022
If there's an overall message, I suppose it would be something like 'technology is not independent of the rest of the society', and viewed in that light, it benefits from being subject to the many modes of inquiry to which we put the rest of society. Today, as we reflect on the passing of Bruno Latour, I reference Aramis, or the Love of Technology (336 page PDF). Written in multiple voices, it chronicles in depth the development and passing of Aramis, a French personal rapid transit system (PRT). It makes me think of Minitel, or earlier, the Paris pneumatic post. Some memorable quotes: "In a year, you can learn about any subject in the world." And "Rememher the lesson of Aramis: ' Don't innovate in every respect at once.'" Via Darius Kazemi.
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