Introducing the new JupyterLab Desktop!
Mehmet Bektas,
Feb 15, 2023
This post announces an update to JupyterLab Desktop, the cross-platform desktop application for JupyterLab, a tool that lets you read text and work with code in a live interactive environment. Jupyter Notebooks are excellent tools for demonstrating and learning about machine learning algorithms and other advanced applications. Here's the code and installation instructions on GitHub. I downloaded the Windows installer, which was blocked from running by Windows; I had to select 'more information' and then 'run anyway'. I then had to click on the notice at the bottom to run the bundled Python installer (I've never liked Python because you have to mess around with Python environments). It would be nice if it installed with some sample notebooks, but it doesn't, so you'll have more figuring out to do (or you can just admire the nice empty shell).
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