Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ Opportunities of artificial intelligence for supporting complex problem-solving: Findings from a scoping review

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community

"Research findings support the assumption that (1) affective, (2) (meta-)cognitive, and (3) social processes support complex problem-solving," write the authors. How does AI help with these. According to this small (38 papers) scoping review (12 paper PDF), a lot of work has been done in the cognitive domain (naturally), with work in the other two domains improving. The paper (section 5) breaks down several dimensions for each of these, forming perhaps the beginnings of a taxonomy, though the authors point to an MIT Sloan framework describing "five human-AI interaction modes, namely: i) automator, ii) decider, iii) recommender, iv) illuminator, and v) evaluator" which they say "perfectly reflects the current state of AI." They then describe a model with four dimensions (illustrated), adding a a new 'metacognitive' dimension even though "we failed to identify studies that would explore human-AI interaction at the metacognitive level." They then reference a six-item taxonomy from Klein. Ah, nothing educational researchers love more than a taxonomy.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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Last Updated: Mar 11, 2025 07:20 a.m.

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