If you look at the source of, say, Ben Werdmuller's blog, you'll see a script of the form 'type="application/ld+json"'. This is a Javascript Object Notation (JSON) representation of the entire blog post. The idea is to make it possible to link the post into a wider linked data network (LDN). You won't find a plugin for this just by searching WordPress (I tried; what you see is mostly SEO). But Doug Belshaw links into a video and download of just such a plugin so you can try it on your own WordPress blog. On the surface, it will look like nothing happened. But if you view your blog source, you'll see the linked data. You don't need to do anything fancy like upload it into GPT-4, but if you did, GPT-4 would find it useful. (P.S. There are various other schemes for doing the same thing - schema, open graph (og), twitter, etc).
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