Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ What You Really Need to Know About Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community

So this is an interesting challenge. Eric Sheninger writes: "AI will NOT: build relationships with students or staff; implement a lesson effectively; (or) facilitate meaningful learning." I wonder what his evidence for this is. Starting with the third, I've learned a ton working with ChatGPT on Python and Javascript code. How about the first? People do seem to develop relationships with their computer friends, but more importantly, AI definitely helps people devlop relationships with each other. And the second? I don't know what it would be to 'implement a lesson effectively', but it sounds very mechanical to me.  think I'd rather see my AI tutor work more closely with student needs.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

Copyright 2024
Last Updated: Sept 06, 2024 5:19 p.m.

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