Copyright Crusaders Hit Schools
Claude Almansi,
Aug 26, 2004
This email to WWWEDU by Claude Almansi on the RIAA's school campaign is worth quoting at length. "I checked the BSA material, for kids part, that is linked to in theCRLFarticle, and which ALA is reacting to. Couldn't play the games because I was invited to download a plug-in andCRLFmy mom told me beware of unknown plug-ins.CRLFCRLFso I tried the tools, gave up on the Anti-Piracy Public Service AnnouncementsCRLF(with boy band and [young girl] because they took ages toCRLFdownload, even on DSL. But I did see their Cyberethics champion code and theirCRLFCyberethics Champion Certificate and wow, thanks indeed to ALA. Not only for preventing kids from being exposed to only one side on the the copyright issue, but also from being exposed exclusively to such rampant stupidity. Their ferret mascot has grabbing hands, and in most archetypes, the ferret doesn't have an outstanding record for ethics and social-mindedness - I mean if the EFF had used it to caricature BSA, BSA could have sued their *rse off for libel. 4th grade kids might be easier to convince than teen-agers. But they already hate being taken for nitwits by condescending grown-ups. I canCRLFsurmise where they will suggest the Cyberethics Champion Certificate should be shoved." Way to tell them, Claude.CRLFCRLF
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