e-learning Content
Graham Atwell,
The Wales-Wide Web,
Dec 30, 2004
"Traditional copyright licences are far too restrictive to develop an ecology of e-learning content." Thus writes Graham Atwell in a position paper to the eLearning Consultation Workshops, one of many that can be found on the Workshop website. A summary of the workshop is also available, and while the discussion includes Creative Commons, it also asserts that "appropriate business models for the publishers are essential." To this I am inclined to respond in the same manner as Cory Doctorow: "If you believe that 'content owners still call most of the shots' then you believe that the studios will make movies and just not release them, they will amass a great pile of unreleased material in their Hollywood vaults and sit before the doors, arms folded, glaring at the world until it arranges itself into a more accomodating configuration. It is ridiculous." It's not up to education to accomodate publishers - it's up to publishers to adapt. Let's put the 'market' back into 'marketplace economy'. Thanks for this to Graham Atwell, who sends notice of this item in his useful blog, The Wales-Wide Web.
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