Jay Cross - with whom I will be sharing a stage at the upcoming CSTD conference in Fredericton - discusses the blend of formal and informal learning. "Novices learn best through formal learning, for it provides the structure, signposts, and scaffolding a newby lacks. Old hands learn best informally, because they already have foundation knowledge, familiarity, and a framework for understanding." Scott Wilson picks up on Cross's definition of informal learning and adds, "it provides guidance on why systems like LAMS are interesting to me, as well as my own ideas for learning in social networks, even though they seem to be completely opposite in their approach. According to the heuristic, they aim, not a different audiences as such, but at different stages of development. They are both, in their own ways, 'right'." Well, yeah - but how long do we expect people to remain a 'novice'? Through university? That seems absurd.
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