Things I Used to Teach That I No Longer Believe
Jay Rosen,
Aug 16, 2005
I have roots in journalism and to this day think of myself as partially a journalist. And it is in that role I note my agreement with Jay Rosen when he asserts, "If you teach journalism ethics too near the surface of the practice, you end up with superficial journalists." I don'tg see myself as a non-political truth-teller; far from it, for I know that those who write from such a stance leave themselves open to manipulations of 'the truth'. The truth will be for me always the truth 'as I see it', but this does not mean it is valueless. Quite the contrary; there remains an obligation to report honestly, to see clearly, and to adhere to what is right and is good. Higher ideals, and they apply, I think, as much to the profession of teaching as to that of journalism.
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