Weblogs at Harvard
Various authors,
Weblogs at Harvard,
Feb 11, 2003
Some time this evening (Tuesday), a new initiative, Weblogs at Harvard, will be officially launched. It might be at this page (which so far contains only some demo links and a template). More here and maybe here, including possibly a live blog of the launch. The hubris about how we finally "have a bona fide initiative afoot to explore how weblogs can serve the aims of education" is a bit much (what do they think we've been doing here for the last few years?) but the initiative is worthwhile and interesting: " I'm personally interested in seeing weblogs not only wake Harvard up but also provide the tools to pry it open. True education benefits from as few barriers as possible between the learner and the raw ingredients of learning: access to a generous and diverse library of information and opportunity for the novice to converse meaningfully with the expert."
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