Weblogs and Passion
Jim McGee,
Mar 17, 2003
Weblogs and weblog tools, writes the author, were created out of the passion of their designers. True. Thus, he writes, "weblogs will become important to knowledge management and knowledge sharing in organizations and why the big software players haven't been a significant factor yet." False. Or, at least, not true as people think of it. Weblog tools are just another input device. Great. With a lousy search and user interface. Weblogs get data into the system, but that's never been the problem with knowledge management: no, the problem is in using the data in any meaningful way. Will weblogs help with this? Not until something thinks seriously about the other end of the equation, thinks of the harried user rather than the inspired blog writer. Of course, this observation is not going to stop the deluge of hype to which we are no doubt about to be subjected.
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