Seb Schmoller is doing a great job reporting on the Stanford AI course week after week. This is his sixth such report. I have to admit I chuckled at this part: "Last week's attempt to run an 'office hours' session in real time did not work." Who could have predicted that! Instead, "two short videos have been published with Peter Norvig and Sebastian Thrun responding informally to the most voted on questions submitted by students prior to the session." Here I think they would have done better if they had opted for a distributed, rather than a democratic, design. The questions most voted on could easily be answered by students for each other, while a distributed discussion would surface those questions none of the students know the answers to - and hence, the most important ones to be addressed by the instructors. Schmoller also notes that a second university - Freiburg - is now giving credit for the course. The same sort of thing happened for us in CCK08.
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